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Project Stella

We view the ability to respond to our changing business needs in an ever-complex world as one of the keys to our success. Technology allows us to streamline processes and provide both our people and customers with better ways to work.

The investment we have made in IT staff and systems has enabled us to expand our business and create more efficient software for our clients. They now have better systems, which save them valuable time and effort in managing their business. A win-win.

Our investments have been supported by the European Union and the Welsh Government under the SMARTCymru 2014-2020 East Wales, Operational programme, Project reference number: 2020/IV+/893

The finer details

The aims and outcomes of the project consist of software development for data gathering, report writing and client data management portal, linking to an ERP system for business operation.

The system supports the Ligtas health and safety, fire safety and water safety services in the field for inspection, risk assessment and client action management services. Once fully deployed to the field and Ligtas clients, the system will allow access to real-time data and provide an efficient and effective data gathering and report writing tool which synchronises with the business operating systems.

The project will benefit both Ligtas and its clients across the UK and internationally.