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Project Management online video course

3 points
90 minutes
£35 + VAT

Project Management online course description

The effective management of projects is an essential skill in many workplaces. Correct control of stages and different aspects of projects helps to increase the chances of projects being successful.

There are many tools and approaches to managing projects, from a simple ‘to do’ list, to complex methodologies.

When a project is managed correctly, it ensures that there’s a sound business reason for undertaking the project, that it’s clear who’s involved in delivering the project, what the expected outcomes are and how resources and risks will be managed throughout the project.

When it’s done poorly, the project can suffer from feature creep, delays, go over budget or not get finished at all.

Project Management online course Target audience

For employers and employees wanting to improve business productivity. 

Project Management online course objectives

This online Project Management E-Learning course covers some of the common project management methodologies, setting goals and actually achieving them, identifying the need for a project to be started, using key project management tools and much more.

Project Management online course structure

This short course is designed to cover all essential aspects of Project Management, with the following key topics:

  • Introducing Project Management
  • Terminology and Project Lifestyle
  • Identifying Needs, Project Aims and Objectives
  • Project Aims, Objectives and Initiation
  • Gantt Charts, Budgets, Risks and Issues
  • Monitoring Change, Stakeholders and Terminology

Project Management online course Accreditation & certification

CPD approval means that this course can be used by those that need to prove they are continually developing themselves.