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Asbestos Awareness - IATP online video course

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£35 + VAT

Asbestos Awareness - IATP online course description

This comprehensive asbestos awareness training, certified by the International Asbestos Training Program (IATP), is essential for construction, facility management, environmental, and other professionals who may encounter asbestos-containing materials. Gain the knowledge and skills to properly identify, handle, and safely remove asbestos, ensuring compliance with OSHA regulations.

Asbestos Awareness - IATP online course Target audience

The Asbestos Awareness - IATP course is intended for:

  • Construction workers, contractors, and tradespeople
  • Facility managers and maintenance staff
  • Environmental health and safety professionals
  • Building inspectors and assessors
  • Workers who may encounter asbestos in their work environments

Asbestos Awareness - IATP online course objectives

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the history, health risks, and regulations surrounding asbestos exposure
  • Learn to accurately identify different types of asbestos-containing materials
  • Implement effective engineering controls and work practices to minimize asbestos risks
  • Adhere to proper decontamination, containment, and disposal procedures
  • Maintain detailed records and documentation in line with OSHA's Asbestos Standard
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest industry best practices for asbestos awareness

Asbestos Awareness - IATP online course structure

Course Modules:

  • Introduction to Asbestos: History, Health Effects, and Regulations
  • Asbestos Identification: Types, Uses, and Material Sampling Techniques
  • Exposure Control: Engineering Controls and Safe Work Practices
  • Decontamination, Disposal, and Recordkeeping Requirements
  • Case Studies and Best Practices for Asbestos Management

Asbestos Awareness - IATP online course Accreditation & certification

Certification and Continuing Education: Upon successful completion, participants will receive an Asbestos Awareness Certificate from the IATP. This training aligns with OSHA's Asbestos Standard (29 CFR 1926.1101) and can be used to meet annual refresher requirements.