How Prepared Are You For The Changes?
The Background
On January 23 2023, the new Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 come into force under Article 24 of the Fire Safety Order. They were introduced as an important step towards implementing the recommendations of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. This law imposes new requirements on the persons responsible for fire safety in multi-occupied residential properties.
While this new legislation has been known about for some time, and like any changes, it may present challenges for organisations that need to get ready and manage the transition.
To that end, this article is a quick checklist of things to consider as you prepare for the changes and implement them.
This means building owners, managers, and accountable persons need to ensure that they know what needs to be done and how to implement these changes effectively. This means not just being compliant but considering the well-being of your building users and asking yourself – are we really safe?
We understand that any preparation and subsequent implementation of new fire safety measures can be a time-consuming, costly and challenging task. Naturally, you probably don’t want to hear this. But having said that, if you approach it logically, you will soon know what is needed and how to approach it in the most effective way.
We believe that the best way forward is not just with your compliance hat on and looking to tick some boxes but to undertake internal due diligence first so that you have a better idea of what you want to ask your Ligtas consultant. After which, you can implement a plan which provides you with the best way forward for your organisation.
With this in mind, we have provided an overview of four key steps with some points for consideration.
The goal is to understand what is needed and how to make your fire strategies and plans accessible to your stakeholders. In addition, you will be actively using these as effective tools for ongoing fire risk management.
Step 1 – Understand The New Regulations
You can read about these here: Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022
Fire Safety Legislation Update Webinar. This aired on August 04, 2022
Read the information and prepare a list of questions for your Ligtas consultant.
Step 2 – Gather Information
The first questions you will have are what information do we need, and where is it?
The question of where it is can be a little more frustrating, given that there will be information already articulated, some accessible, and some hidden in silos. Then there is the question of who knows what and if they actually articulated it or if it is hidden safely in their brains.
We suggest you start a knowledge audit ahead of a discussion with one of our consultants.
Step 3 – Review Existing Risk Assessments
Review your existing fire risk assessments to look for gaps which have potentially now been created by the new regulations. This could be a new planned preventative maintenance task or information you need to provide to the Fire and Rescue Service.
Create a register of potential risks. Early warning signs are worth their weight in gold.
Step 4 – Review Your Fire Safety Management System
Once your fire risk assessment has identified any actions required, you will need to review your fire safety management system and consider any changes you need to apply.
Consider and challenge existing control measures. Then consider whether you have taken all reasonable steps to ensure you have implemented all new control measures and tasks. Then ask whether you have the necessary skills and knowledge to implement them.
In Conclusion
New regulations naturally cause some confusion and can be problematic to implement, which is why getting prepared is fundamental to creating the best environment for a smooth transition to new ways of being.
This relies on a strong health and safety culture. It is not a tick-box exercise but a process that will create a well-defined, robust and reliable process that supports health and safety, especially fire risk prevention.
At Ligtas, our goal is to support our clients with the question are we safe and then providing them with consultancy and services which enable them to demonstrate that.
If you have any questions or require fire safety risk assessments and services, please contact our team of trusted professionals at 02922 800 000 or
Date for your diary
What questions do you have regarding the new fire safety regulations? Send us your questions to Use Questions for Tom as your email subject.
Add the 18th of January at 12 noon in your diary for - In conversation with Tom Stallard - Head of Fire Services.