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Webinar Replay: Understanding Fire Doors

Webinar Replay: Understanding Fire Doors

Ensuring Your Customers & Properties Are Kept Safe

This webinar aired on Sept 30th. Running time 45 minutes.

Speaker - Tom Stallard AMIFPO MIFSM CFPA.dip - Senior Fire Consultant

The background

Following the Grenfell tragedy, a well-publicised debate resulted in changes being made to the Fire Safety Act. These important amendments have been put in place to ensure that people feel safe and that a tragedy like the Grenfell Tower does not happen again.

Fire doors save lives.

They form a vital part of a building’s passive fire protection and are designed to stop the spread of fire and smoke for a specified amount of time, in order to:

  • Protect escape routes, to enable safe evacuation of the building
  • Protect the building and its contents, limiting costs and disruption after a fire
  • Allow firefighters to extinguish the fire as safely as possible.

Are you ready?

  • Do you know the up to date requirements for fire doors?
  • Are you up to date with fire door regulations and the RRO, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order?
  • Have you got a plan in place?

In this key webinar, we covered the following key points:

  • Why a fire door is needed
  • What makes a door a fire door
  • How they work
  • The legal obligations for maintaining them
  • How to ensure they are maintained in good condition.

Ask our expert

You will also have the opportunity to put your questions to our Fire Safety Expert.

You’ll walk away with…

A better understanding of how to ensure that you can keep your customers and properties safe and be ready to create a plan of action.

This webinar has been designed to provide you with an introduction to the importance of fire doors in buildings and help you understand your obligations.

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