Enter the world of short courses with Ligtas, your preferred health and safety training provider, renowned for excellence and commitment. Our qualified tutors offer personalised coaching and support, ensuring confidence and success. With meticulously curated learning materials and practical tools, participants can directly apply knowledge in their workplaces. As a NEBOSH Gold Learning Partner and an 'Outstanding' IOSH training provider, Ligtas guarantees the gold standard in training. Join Ligtas and embark on a transformative journey toward professional growth and organisational safety.
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How to write- Methods Statement Course Overview
A complimentary course to the Risk Assessment courses this program takes you through the intricacies of writing a method statement.
How Long Will The Course Take?
This is a half-day course.
Delegates are awarded the Ligtas Certificate in How to write- Methods Statement.
Who Is The How to write- Methods Statement Course For?
Employees that are required to have input into the risk assessment process and produce method statements.
How to write- Methods Statement Learning Outcomes and Benefits
Learning Outcomes
Completion of the Ligtas How to write- Methods Statement will allow learners to understand the following:
- Understand what a method statement is
- Be able to create method statement in their own workplace
- Understand the difference between a risk assessment and a method statement
Benefits To The Organisation
According to the Health and Safety Executive, workplace injuries and ill-health cost UK businesses around £18.8bn in 2019/20.
To go home safely at the end of the working day is a right, not a privilege.
As members of your team successfully complete the course, they will become an invaluable resource to you. The knowledge and skills gained will have a tangible impact on the work environment, effectively enhancing occupational health and safety.
They will play a pivotal role in ensuring your adherence to legal requirements and industry best practices, mitigating the substantial financial ramifications of accidents and health-related issues.
Choose Your Learning Path
Online Learning
Designed for flexibility, the online option lets you learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home or office. With access to rich digital resources, interactive modules, and virtual support, online learning is perfect for those balancing work, study, and personal commitments.
Booking Your Course
Book Online Course
How to write-Method Statement
Important Information For Learners
Once an online course has been accessed, it is important to note that there can be no deferrals or cancellations.
Please inform us of any access needs or reasonable adjustments which may be required during training/assessment.
If a learner wishes to complain about their course, details of the Ligtas complaints procedure can be found here.
Booking terms and conditions
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If you would like to book a session with one of our trainers to explain our terms and conditions, please contact us at 02922 800 000 or enquiries@ligtas.co.uk
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